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Appointment Types

Initial Menopause Appointment

In this comprehensive session, you’ll meet with Dr. Swanson to discuss your unique menopause journey. Whether you choose a virtual or in-person format, she'll explore your symptoms, health history, and lifestyle and ways you can restore and optimize your health with a primary focus on menopause. Our goal is to provide personalized guidance, answer your questions, and develop a tailored plan to help you navigate this transition with confidence and ease. After you schedule you will be asked to fill out a detailed health history and menopause questionnaire. We receive this very personal information with the utmost confidence and respect, on a privacy protected platform, and use it to inform your care. 

Cost: $400

Length: 60 minutes 

Follow-up Menopause Appointment

During this focused return session, you’ll connect with Dr. Swanson to discuss your progress and any changes since your last appointment. Whether virtual or in-person, we’ll review your symptoms, adjust your personalized plan, and address any new questions or concerns. Our aim is to ensure you feel supported and empowered on your menopause journey, making any necessary tweaks to help you thrive. Once established, Dr. Swanson would like to see you annually to check-in, adjust as needed and renew your prescriptions. 

Cost: $200

Length: 30 minutes 

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